Merri is managed by a Committee of Management. The role of the Committee is one of governance and financial responsibility. The Committee is also responsible for the development and review of centre Policies and is also deemed as the employer of all staff.
Merri’s Committee is made up of approximately 14-16 members (i.e. parents using the service)
Committee of Management members are nominated/elected at the Annual General Meeting for a term of up to 2-3 years. The Committee meets once a month from 7.30pm to approximately 9.00pm, usually the third Monday of every month. Anyone is welcome to attend these meetings, except during discussions of confidential matters. Minutes of the meetings are available to Association members upon request. If you need any clarification on any minuted item please feel free to see the Director or the President of the Committee of Management. Families are also welcome to put any matters to the Committee either in writing or through the Director or via the President of the Committee of Management. The Committee represents all families in the Centre, so all feedback is welcome.
New Members are always welcome. Please note that without a Committee of Management our Centre could not function or operate. Family support is vital for the Centre’s survival.